Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bumper Sticker of the Day

have twice as much fun.

Not my thing, but you gotta admire the nerve to stick that on your car. A beamer, as it happened. I was too slow to get the picture, but the memory lingers ...

1 comment:

  1. Twenty years ago, girlfriend and I were driving along one day in our grand national -- rolled up on a thin-bodied person on a motorcycle, dressed all in black leather, with a smoked glass helmet and a remarkable ass ....

    I looked, she looked, we looked at each other. She leaned out the window and yelled, "We want to fuck you!"

    Through the helmet a high pitched voice said, "You don't even know if I'm a guy or a girl."

    She looked at me again. I shrugged. She leaned back out and yelled, "We don't care!"

    Those were the days ....
