Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When You Know Who You Are ...

... You Know What to Do.

This is a quote I got from a speech by George Emery, at the student union at L.S.U. in -- I think -- about 1971. There's a post here that lays out the context and a bit about the speaker.

That event was a pivotal one for me regarding how I look at the world, one of those "Aha!" epiphanies that sink in and stay with you. Yeah, yeah, touchy-feelie hippie stuff, but the message still resonates with me to this day.

Yesterday, I got an email from a woman who is putting together a scrapbook for George Emery's 80th birthday. He is still with us, and still doing good work, and I was delighted by her note and his continued presence in our world.

She was, she said, one of the hosts for that event -- small world, hey? -- and came across my blog posting from 2008 and liked it, and was considering using some part of it in the scrapbook.

Oh, yeah, by all means -- I'd be honored!

The brass plate pictured above is one of several I had made three and some decades ago. This one is on the top of my gun-cleaning supply case ...

Happy birthday, George.


  1. Hi again, Steve. Hope this message comes through okay. If I had a different e-mail for you I would attach what I did with your words for George. (Thanks for giving me permission.)
    I lived in our Emissary Center back in the late Sixties, early Seventies and worked at LSU. Moved to Sunrise Ranch in 1972 (for a year, I thought) and am still here. Sure miss Louisiana, where I spent 7 years in Lake Charles & BR. If you have another e-mail address, I'd enjoy sending this on to you.
    All the best,
    Shareen Ewing

  2. Nice to know where this came from, it's the source of one of my "Aha!" moments also.

  3. Shareen --

    The return address on the email I sent you works fine.
