Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Upcoming Silat Video

I came across this while I was looking for something else -- it's a short clip from what was a June, 2010, seminar. 

The technique in the teaser is a block and biset (foot-drag) takedown. 

Maha Guru Plinck, to the left in the b.g.,  sports his Yul Brynner look. 

I haven't heard from Guy Bowring, at Resonant Video, when it will be available or what it will cover and cost, but as a heads-up for Sera fans, there's the link. 

Guy doesn't make any real money at this, it's a service for the instructors and students of the art, and there are a couple of vids by Guru Plinck, one on the knife, and another that is a multi-instructor seminar in Las Vegas. If you are lucky enough to train with Guru Plinck, you know how terrific the quality of instruction is; if you can't make it to a seminar, the videos are worth having.


  1. Somewhere,somehow, I think I have either a video from possibly Paladin or one someone sent me on VHS with Steven Plinck on it...but have not looked at it for some years...anyway, your blog here is really interesting and great...keep up the good work...thanks, Halford

  2. It is available, to people registered on the Resonant Video website student as Serak students, at least: I've had them for a few weeks now.

    The set is four DVDs, one for Friday, two for Saturday, one for Sunday.

    • Groundwork and Why to Train It
    • Entering - "Meaningful" Training
    • Entering - Receiving with Structure
    • Entering - Structure vs. Movement
    • Entering - Correct Timing & Shoulder Line
    • Entering - Second Shoulder Line
    • Entering - Coordinating the Hips
    • Entering - Receiving with the Lower Art
    • Entering - Generating & Receiving
    • Entering - Understanding of Sambut 1
    • Entering - Q&A (Training Entries)
    • Knife - Grip & Range
    • Knife - Protecting the "Backup Hand"
    • Knife - Timing & Entering
    • Knife - Using Sera Basics
    • Knife - Q&A (Range)

    Saturday (Disc 1)
    • Using Partner's Intent to Train Your Timing
    • Critique of Attendees' Jurus
    • Why Train Jurus this Way
    • Structure for Correct Timing & Movement
    • Defensive Sambut 1
    • Defensive Sambut 2
    • Taking Applications from Sambuts 1 & 2
    • Defensive Sambut 3
    • Defensive Sambut 4
    • Defensive Sambut 5
    • Defensive Sambut 6
    • Defensive Sambut 7
    • Defensive Sambut 8
    • Defensive Sambut 9
    • Defensive Sambut 10
    • Defensive Sambut 11
    • Defensive Sambut 12
    • Defensive Sambut 13
    • Defensive Sambut 14
    • Defensive Sambut 15
    • Defensive Sambut 16

    Saturday (Disc 2)
    • Guru Bob - Receiving Without Stepping
    • Guru Bob - Receiving & Taking a Step
    • Guru Bob - Shoulders, Hips & Moving
    • Guru Bob - Hip Orientation & Movement
    • Guru Bob - Arm Structure
    • "Short & Sweet" Combinations
    • Sera Punch Strategies
    • The Application of Hard/Soft Training
    • Attacking Sambut 1
    • Attacking Sambut 1 (Using Jurus 2 & 3)
    • Attacking Sambut 2
    • Attacking Sambut 3
    • Guru Plinck's Personal Sambut Variations
    • Sambut Summary & Analysis
    • Level 1 of Juru Understanding
    • Juru 1 with Level 1 Understanding
    • Juru 1 with Level 2 Understanding
    • Juru 1 with Level 3 Understanding
    • Juru 1 with Level 4 Understanding
    • Level 5 Understanding
    • Q&A - The "Level Down" & Pukulan
    • Honesty About Your Training Progression
    • Juru 2
    • Juru 3
    • Juru 4
    • Juru 5
    • Juru 6
    • Q&A - Juru 3, Juru 4, Juru 5

    • Introduction & Guru Bob - Juru 5 Applications
    • Recognizing Stylization in Sera• Importance of Position as a Defense
    • Footwork to Change Structure & Position
    • Understanding Upper Art, Lower Art & Distance
    • Guru Plinck's Preferred Variations
    • Tiga - Applied with Understanding
    • Tiga - Transition from Training to Real Timing
    • Tiga - Defensive Footwork Using Attacking Sambut
    • Tiga - Defensive Sambut 15 Applied with Understanding
    • Footwork Changes the Flavor of a Juru
    • Adjusting Technique Based Upon Distance
    • Footwork is the Key to Timing
    • Juru 6 & Weapon Principles
    • Knife - Recognizing Disarm Opportunities
    • Knife - Disarming with Leverage & Efficiency
    • Knife - Cover High/Low & Strive for Position
    • Knife - Countering with Empty Hands & Checking
    • Knife - Dealing with More Realistic Attacks
    • Knife - Intent & Attacking Sambuts
    • Knife - Recap & Summary
    • Knife - Transfer to Inside Using Upper Base
    • Knife - Transfer to Outside Against Upper Feed
    • Knife - Distinguishing Sera Knife from Other Styles
    • Knife - Importance of Stab with the Transfer
    • Knife - Transfers as Counters & Training
    • Knife - "Checking" as Transfers to Gain Position
    • Knife - Training Transfers
    • Knife - Anticipating Opponent's Transfers
    • Knife - Transfers - How to Train
    • Machete - Basic Movement (Solo & 2-Man Drill)
    • Machete - 2-Man Drill - Creating an Opening
    • Machete - 2-Man Drill - Stabbing & Wing Block
    • Machete - 2-Man Drill - Counter Low Attack
    • Machete - Q&A - Footwork
    • Q&A - Sliwa Demonstration
    • Q&A - Turnaround & Variations
    • Q&A - Training Drills & Footwork
