Monday, November 15, 2010

Powell's in Beaverton

Is that a wookiee in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me ... ?

I was part of a big group autograph session at Powell's this evening. Peter, the scifiguy there put it together and it was quite the to-do. Thirty-some writers, a fair-sized crowd. I was on the end with the Star Wars writers -- Tim Zahn, Kris Rusch, and Andy Magels, we had members of the 501st Cloud City Garrison and some of the rebel scum with us posing for photo ops. 

Lot of fun people there, and some new writers just getting their feet wet. Great job by Peter and the gang at Powell's. 


  1. Is there a calendar of events that includes where you will be appearing? We're headed to Portland for Thanksgiving and I would love to shake your hand.

  2. Orycon and Powell's were it for this month. Nothing else public this years.

    We have family coming for Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their kids, so we'll be around, but doing Thanksgiving stuff.
