Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thong Dong Dong Dong ...

Been communicating with Don Ahlquist, our publisher on Thong and the girls. Dunno the details yet, but it does look as if there will be an e-version of thewboy and the sluts. Stay tuned. Where else can you find somebody lampooning E.E. "Doc" Smith, R.E. Howard, and H.P. Lovecraft, all in the same book? 

The last lines of Ed Bryant's review of the thing, in Locus, when it came out:

"Perry and Reaves are good writers. They knew what they were doing. May God have mercy on their souls ..."

Meanwhile, I can probably get my hands on a couple copies if anybody is looking for a collector's item ...

This is probably not the cover image, but it kept me from doing real work for forty-five minutes while I put it together, using art that Alan Newcomer sent me a while back ...

Classy, hey?


  1. A man shouldn't try to be more than he is. Say it loud and say it proud: "This is my work, and this is my purpose in life."

  2. Pulp writers are us.

    If I'd been doing it in Victorian England, I'd have been penning penny dreadfuls. Writing dime novels about the old west, pulp stories in the 1930's and '40's.

    One of the guys we made fun of, that'd be me.

    Cotton candy and helium balloons, that's my wont.

  3. It's funny, I was re-reading the "Omega Cage" just because I hadn't read much of the Matador stuff in ages and the wonderful thing about it is that the character's "feel" real to me. Most of them really are decent people trying to do basically the right thing in a hopelessly screwed up galaxy. And then just the Thong thing, I'm sorry, that made my Friday (I'm going nuts waiting for someone to either e-mail me or call me back about a job and I'm nearly broke).

  4. Have there been any updates? Thanks.

  5. No updates I've noticed. I haven't heard from Don lately.
