Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Songwriters R Us

Had the tune and chords, took the guitar outside and sat in the front courtyard -- well, such that it is, basically a porch behind a fence -- and came up with some lyrics.

Winter Song
The winter’s come, it’s cold and gray and rainy, but that don’t matter at all/
Inside my head the sun is shining, and I’m having a ball.
Snow on the roof, but fire in the basement/
What else do you need?
Doesn’t matter what the weather does/
Because my baby’s with me. 
The kids are grown, the house is nice and quiet, we have all the books we can read/
The dogs are sleeping, the cat is by the fireplace,  a cooking show’s on TV.
Been many years though it seems like only hours, and we’ve come such a long way/
More roads behind us than we have left to travel, but still a few places to play.
(Chorus - repeat, and out)

Only runs a couple of minutes, even with a bit of fingerpicking between verses, but that's okay. I'm not shooting for the Top 40 ...

In songwriting -- as in any kind of artistic effort -- you should do stuff that matters to you -- things that resonate with your experience. Since I'm not planning on getting up on a stage, I'm doing these to please myself, which as Rick Nelson said, is the way to go. 

At this point in my songwriting career, it doesn't matter if they are any good, I'm going to be clearing the decks for a while yet. 

I'll get a recording this one done and up in the next couple days, all things going well.  Three new tunes in three weeks and I was planning one on a month. I'm on a roll. 

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