Friday, September 17, 2010


Perceptive regular readers of the weblog here will notice the books-for-sale list has a new addition: Champion of the Dead is now available as an ebook at Smashwords -- you can download a preview by clicking into the listing, over there under the picture to the right.

The Kindle version on should be up in a couple days, so they tell me.

All things going well, I'll be sticking up the short mystery novel Curse the Darkness in the next few days, too, same deal -- you can read the first 15% as a preview, and buy it or not.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ...


  1. Oh, and if you should buy this book and you happen to like it, consider putting up a good review where you got it. Every little bit helps ...

    If you hate it, while I'd prefer you keep that to yourself, let's keep it honest -- if you do a review and you think it sucks, tell the truth.

  2. I started, "Champion," last night on my "iPad Kindle." I like the story, so far, but it seems like there are a noticeable number of typos. I'm guessing this was "computer copied" from a previous text, Steve? This is the major weakness I have found with "cross-over" versions of texts.

    You probably already spelled that out in your post and I just missed that part, sorry!

  3. I did notice a bunch of these when I translated stuff from the old version to the new. I thought I'd caught a lot of it with global searching, but either I missed 'em or the translator could have stuck some artifacts i've seen that happen sometimes when going from Pages to Word -- and Smashword's translator doesn't like the Pages-export-to-Word, so I have to strain stuff through

  4. I think the problem is that the "errors" are real words, just the wrong ones for the sentence. It probably complicates things that you're also using words / phrases from multiple languages.

    I doubt there is an transcription program that can "understand" words in context.

    Still enjoying the story, though! (Like I'd expect anything less?) ;~)

  5. I uploaded a newer version, which in theory you should be able to get if you bought the earlier one. Dunno if it fixed anything ...

  6. Dear Mr. Perry,

    Thank goodness I found your blog and your e-books. We often don't know how much we miss something till we find it again.

  7. Also,

    I just stayed up waaaay to late at my age to finish Champion of the Dead. Thanks for the joy.

  8. Always happy to hear I kept somebody up past their bedtime ...
