Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Day, and Yet Another Novel ...

And the books just come on comin' ...

Same deal -- click into the list over to the right side of the page, have a look. Most of the books up for sale on the blog have editions at, too, and this one should be up there in a couple days -- Champion of the Dead is already on their list. The advantage of Smashwords is that you can pick from several formats, including Kindle, and use whichever reader you want.


  1. Thanks, Steve; I really appreciate it. Going to smashwords to pick it up right now.

  2. Same as last time.
    You post it, I'm over at Smash Mouth, then I'm up till I finish it.
    Not a bad read, good light entertainment and definitely good at the price. I've paid more for shitty popcorn at an even more expensive shitty movie that I felt ripped off after seeing. Got more goodies stashed somewhere,trot 'em out.

  3. Thanks, Dave -- that about sums it up.

    And thanks to my faithful readers who toodled over there and bought copies.
