Thursday, August 19, 2010

Something Wicked This Way Comes ...

I dunno if you've heard of this, but I have to put it right up there with Nilsson's "You're Breakin' My Heart," and "Take 54" (I sang my ball off for you, baby!)

If the f-word bothers you, don't click on the the play button. And close your eyes when you look at the title of the video below. (And obviously if the f-word bothers you, you don't read my books ...)

I'm surprised it's still up on YouTube, but here you go. Rated R for language, and you probably don't want to play it at work. You've been warned.


  1. "Houston, we have a throblem"


    That was awesome!

    By the way, you know why this song is called "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury"?

    Because nothing rhymes with Serling, Burroughs, Matheson, Leiber or Ellison.

    ...Or Edmonds, for that matter. Believe me, I've tried.

  2. Really?

    Ohhho, please Stay away, Bobbe. Edmonds/
    Your zombie eyes are dead ones/
    Your face looks like stale hot dog buns/
    Your love life's marked insufficient funds ...

    (To the tune of "Suicide is Painless._

  3. That was unique.

    So... you hoping for it to inspire some young Steve Perry fan-girl?

  4. I've got a new one:

    "Please fuck right off, Steve Perry,

    You're older than a fucking Joshua tree,

    You look like Lurch from the Aadams Family,

    You have all the talent of a lobotomized monkey,

    And you smell like a french hooker that died from an all-night gangbang with the Denver Broncos while being shat on from a rabid baboon suffering from the later stages of leprosy in a sewer that's backed up from overuse-ee."

    Well...This shouldn't take too long...!

  5. Sad. It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel, Kid. (Of course, that's usually how it is, but in this case, particularly so ...)

  6. Now THAT'S what I call a fangirl
