Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New TV Show

History Channel has a new one coming out next week, Swamp People. Set in the Atchafalaya ("Chaff-uh-lie-uh") swamps, it's got gators, skeeters, moccasins, and guys missing teeth.

I saw the promos during Top Shot, the b.g. music being Creedence's swamp-rock classic, "Born on the Bayou ..."

I'm gonna have to watch at least one of these. Tony Joe White. Jerry Reed. "Poke Salad Annie." "Amos Moses ..."


  1. This piqued my interest, too. And Top Shot has entertained me when I've happened to catch it.

    These bayou guys and that show (shows?) about trash scavengers may arguably be exploitative, but A) it gives these people a nice paycheck, and B) shows diversity in our citizenry. At least it's not more "Housewives of..." or "Jersey Shore" monstrosities.

  2. Yep, I applied to be a contestant on the second season of Top Shot, but apparently didn't strike their fancy.

    Oh, well.

  3. Thank you TV executives! But now even more "great" possible choices to pick from. I don't know what to watch already - no tivo. Let's see - vampire shows, "reality" shows, gossip shows, "reality" shows, crime lab shows, "reality shows" or the promote the crappy ways people can treat each other --- oh, wait---see above = "reality shows" man I hate limited basic. Maybe I'll "upgrade" (for 6 months only) and get the "History" Channel too.... or maybe not.
