Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Harlan Ellison Fan?

Harlan Ellison, one of the grand old men of letters and multiple-award-winning writer of literature fantastique, is having a book purge. Autographed editions of his books, original scripts, things you can't find anywhere else, ranging from cheap to spendy. If you are a collector, this is a chance to get good stuff, and put a little money into one of my favorite writer's pocket.

Here is the list of what he is offering. Some of it has sold, but you can see a mailing address and contact info and all at the bottom of the page. The special order phone line number will be open today, tomorrow, and Thursday.

Check it out.


  1. I had the good fortune of meeting him at a sci-fi convention where he threatened to pummel me if I didn't turn down the music in my room. I explained that the music he heard was outside our patio. I then took him on a tour of the loud people and he proceeded to threaten each and every person playing a boom box or musical instrument with a beating. I was astounded by his temper and command of profanity. Hotel management eventually calmed him but I was able to get him to sign a couple of napkins for my dad and I.

    I still have it hanging on my office wall next to the signed book plate Steve sent me.

  2. "It's amazing that man still has teeth."

