Thursday, July 22, 2010

Basic Knife Notions

Maha Guru Plinck taught a knife seminar a while back in Colorado, and Resonant Video was onhand, and put together a short vid.

Just under half an hour, it touches on subjects that students of the blade might find interesting.


• Introduction
• Gripping the Knife
• 4 Quadrants of Attack
• Reverse Grip Defense vs Common Grip
• Check, don't Block a Knife
• Positioning your Feet for Knife Fighting
• Reverse Grip Defense vs Common Grip #2
• How to use Checking in Knife Training
• "Give and Take" Drill
• Ending the "Give and Take" Drill with Takedown
• Countering within the "Give and Take" Drill
• Drill Progression: "I Win, You Win"
• Options for Interrupting the Drill
• Hand Transfers Within the Drill
• Reverse Grip Structure
• Flowing with "Give and Take" Drill
• Options for Closing the Gap with Knives
• Knife Elements & Ranges

Running Time: 29 mins

Now, this isn't going to turn you into a knifefighter. And it is really basic material; however, if you are curious about Sera, this offers an introduction to some of the building blocks.

You can get it here.


  1. I find it odd that he doesn't keep his off-hand close to his chest. At times, it's nowhere near it. His assistant, on the other hand (no pun intended), keeps it in the traditional spot.
    Any reason for this?

  2. One of our basic principles. For us, off-hand position depends on the lines. If you have one line covered with the knife -- high or low -- the off-hand has to cover the other. If you have the high-line covered with your blade, for instance, then having your off-hand at chest level leaves your low-line open. So you drop it. A good knife attacker goes for the opening if he sees it.

    Faster to move your hand over from your crotch to cover a low-line attack at your groin than to drop it from your chest.

    When the assistant -- mostly the Mad Brit, here, I think -- has both hands up, he's using the supported punch, and his back-up hand is his lowline, even if is high. This is how you learn the technique in the djuru, but it isn't how you do it for real.

    The principle is Cover high-line and low-line, whether bare or with a blade. Doesn't mean you won't get cut, but the back of the arm is better than the liver or gut.

    If you control the attacker's arm, you can do a trap and lock and keep both hand there, but in reality, chances of getting a trap or lock against a full-speed attack with a knife ( or even a punch) are slim and snowball. Yeah, you need to know in case some fool hangs it out there and *gives* it to you, but this is not one you spend a lot of time on. Trapping and locking full-speed and -power attacks is iffy at best.

    And this tape is really basic and being done in slomo to demo the drills for people who mostly haven't seen knife stuff before. Most of it goes to simple moves just to get used to seeing a knife come and go, and ways to position yourself safely.( I have a couple gigabytes of knife video in class shot with my little handheld cam for my personal reference, and there's a whole lot of stuff there not touched upon in any detail in the Resonant vid. Knifer comes in with a blade isn't going to confine himself to a single attack, but that's where you start the learning process. What you see on this vid isn't how you are going to do it when somebody is going buzzsaw with a blade in your direction.)
