Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Weather or Not

So, as of last night, it is officially the rainiest June in Portland since they started keeping records, and it's only the middle of the month.

And it is raining now.

Also managed to set a record low/high temperature. That is, the high temperature day before yesterday barely made it into the sixties, ditto yesterday, and more of the same is predicted for today, tomorrow, and the rest of the seven-day forecast.

We have had exactly one day this year when the temperature hit eighty degrees F. (By contrast, the overnight low in Baton Rouge yesterday was ten degrees more than our daytime high was.)

I know there are people in the country who'd happily kill somebody for a couple of cool and rainy days, but the moss and the mold are beginning to totally obscure the rust around here. I am ready for summer. Winter has gotten old.

I'm going to have a devil of a time come the next Ice Age.

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