Monday, June 07, 2010

Ninja Death Camp 2010

Buncha of martial artists get together every year for a kind of tribal gathering in the midwest. I won't narrow it down to a particular state. Lot of SE Asian stylists, some Chinese arts, odds and ends. They train, swap off teaching, and apparently drink lots of beer. This picture came from that.

I can't come up with a caption -- the mind boggles. (Photo is by Anton Buntić.)


  1. There was SO no need for this. I mean, really? Won't you feel bad when I finally snap and go completely psychotic due to your ceaseless emotional prodding? Don't you have a modicum of concern for me in that dark, charnel pit of despair you call a soul?

  2. Says the man who is wearing bunny slippers and hugging a guy with dragon wings tattooed on his back.

    Consider yourself lucky -- I could have used the other image that looks very much like buggery ...

  3. I have more pics if you'd like them Steve.... :-)

  4. I'm not the kind of guy to pour water on a drowning man, Chuck.

    Most of the time, anyway.

  5. No, Steve. You wouldn't pour water on a drowning man. But you would be kind enough to throw him an anchor.

  6. I'm gettin' a tattoo of Bobbe on my back...

  7. Sometimes the cheap shots are just too good to pass up, John.

    If you are thinking about a tattoo of Bobbe, maybe you should get it a little lower than your back ...

  8. I don't know a whole lot about the martial arts, but I thought ninjas wore black bunny slippers.

  9. I have plenty more lewd pictures of ol' Bob-O if you're interested in seeing them.

  10. Lewd? Lewd? What, like Wiener pictures emailed to hotties on the web?
