Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beyond Me

Marilyn Monroe reading James Joyce (Ulysses)

Kinda dumps the dumb-blonde notion on its ear. (I confess that I found Ulysses opaque enough to use for welding goggles, and I gave up after fifteen or so pages -- and that was back when I was young and determined ...)

The picture was supposedly unstaged -- Monroe was actually hauling the book around and reading it, according to the photographer. Then again, she appears to be looking at the last page, which is usually blank ...


  1. There was a book in that picture? I didn't notice.

  2. One of the things about dying young is that your image stays that way. If she were alive, Marilyn would be the same age as my mother.

    James Dean would be pushing eighty ...

  3. I'm willing to disappoint posterity by getting old.

  4. The last page likely contained the notes that Arthur Miller left there for her to read.
