Friday, May 07, 2010

New Venture

Got a note from Larry Segriff -- my editor and sometimes co-writer on the Tom Clancy Net Force series a while back. Larry works for TeknoBooks, but came up with an idea for a line of fantasy novels.

The notion is, to get an established writer to pick up on one of the characters Larry has created, do a few chapters and an outline for a story, then turn it over to a junior writer to do most of the work.

The resulting novel would be marketed under both writers' names, and while that part is down the line, it strikes me as a good idea. Old writer makes a few bucks; new writer gets a credit and some money. Works for me.

A note: I'm not the guy to pitch to, viz: getting one of these to write. A) We're not anywhere close to that yet, and B) I'm not hiring anybody when we get there -- he will do all that.

Larry is a pro. He has written several original novels of his own, has been involved in editing a bunch of anthologies, as well as the Clancy stuff, and we have a good working relationship going back a fair piece.

So I'm gonna take a crack at it. Won't be a lot of money in it for me, certainly not up front, though it might pay something on the back end if it takes off. And since I get first choice of the characters if I sign on early, I am going for Katya the Lady Assassin, who is also skilled in the erotic arts.

Can't have too many gorgeous women assassins ...

1 comment:

  1. You're doing this? Be still my heart.

    So who's the established writer?
