Monday, May 10, 2010


Frank Frazetta, a man who needs no introduction to fantasy and science fiction fans, has died. He was 82.

I would have loved to have had a Frazetta cover on any of my books, but I arrived in the field too late. By the time I got here, he was dialing down his cover work and making a fortune from his originals. Some of those have sold for a million dollars.

I didn't rate. (I had a Boris cover for one of the Conan novels, and the one for Conan the Defiant done by Sean Joyce was an obvious homage to Frazetta. But there was only one Frazetta, and nobody ever touched him for that kind of work.)

AdiĆ³s, Frank.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw that Lena Horne died, too, at the age of 92. The arts lost a couple of icons today.
