Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cover Artist Humor

I think I put this up here a while back, but bad cover art came up on another site, and I thought it would be fun to do a reprise.

Observe the two covers.

Upon the first, we have a Jedi, Barriss Offee, cutting into a battledroid with her light saber, from Star Wars: Medstar I: Battle Surgeons. You needn't look very closely at all to see what appears to be, um, a rampant, ribbed penis jutting up the thing's belly as our intrepid heroine slices the robot, and said member is about to be, sorry -- well, no, not really sorry -- whacked off ...

And then there is the cover illo from Conan the Indomitable. Our brawny thew-boy is menaced by a woman sitting wide-legged astride a creature whose mouth between her thighs looks like -- no two ways about this, either -- like a giant, toothed, vagina.

Ah, them cover artists, they do like their little jokes ...


  1. Toothed vaginas. The human race would be extinct in a generation.

  2. A lady friend of mine often asks, when watching movies or TV shows with monsters, why the monster itself or the mouth of the monster looks like a vagina.

    I suspect it has to do with the whole fear/desire thing the stereotypical fanboy has with women, along the same lines of why the most desirable women among F&SF fanboys tend to be the ones that could kick a fanboy's ass (Lara Croft, Zoe or River from "Firefly", Ivanova from "Babylon 5", and so on).

    I have no idea if it's true, but it sounds about right.

  3. Reminds me of the Little Mermaid video cover controversy: http://www.mrdiggles.com/img/little-mermaid.jpg

  4. Gotta love that big worm.

    On an aside;

    And in the previous post "heid ourselves off to the rock store"?

    Is it just me?

    I mean, people have been jumping my shit about my spelling...


    -just thought I'd tickle ya a bit

  5. Yeah, typo man rules. Why writers need editors ...
