Friday, April 02, 2010

Rain and Wind and Weather

Spring storm moved in last night. Rain, wind, like that. Enough so the stream is up to the bridge and water pooled hither and yon.

It really doesn't rain that much in Portland. We get get half what we used to get in Baton Rouge on a yearly basis. Still, it comes down in small amounts, so we get it stretched out over a longer period.

Guess the mascots of the two main universities in the state should offer a clue -- a duck and a beaver ...


  1. Huge wind storm up here in the islands.
    The tide was going out and the wind was blowing against it-- standing waves and troughs three feet deep. Pretty cool.
    We lost power early in the day, so I grabbed my chainsaw and guitar and drove around. Ended up at the local tavern and played music with other power outage friends for a couple of hours. Beer kegs don't need the power to work.
    Ah, it's great to be self-employed...

  2. Lived in Washington County most of my life but the last 10 in Lane. Didn't think it got as much rain (more sun - yes) down here but it gets more than Portland quantity wise. Like you said up there it's stretched out.

    Yesterday down here got hammered by heavy rain in between breaks of clean sunshine - Spring, love it - a lot of energy in the air and if you don't like the weather it will change in 15 minutes.
