Monday, March 15, 2010

Movin' On

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Had a small family gathering at the house yesterday, lacking a few -- my daughter-in-law and her boys are all coughing and snurfling so they stayed home -- sinus infections. My daughter and my son-in-law came over with their boys and dog, and my son made it, to have cake and cookies, celebrating her birthday.

My younger child has just turned forty.

Milestone for her. And for us ...


  1. Sorry to hear they've got Sinus infections. I just got over that. 3 weeks and the last week was on a course of antiobiotics.

    Have talked to a bunch of people, and something nasty is going around. Bunch of people I know have it or have gone through it.

    Definitely get her to go the antibiotic route if it gets bad, as it can pretty quick. Send a big hug their way.
