Friday, March 19, 2010

Bleh ...

So Wednesday I was snurfling and my sinuses ached, and I developed a little headache.

Well, that could be a seasonal allergy, since things are in bloom. But since my grandson went to the doctor last week when I went over to visit him, and came home with a diagnosis of sinusitis, that's what I figured it was. Little viral URI, and there you go.

Yesterday, it went down and I started coughing, mostly throat, and got a little warm.

Today, I have a nice expiratory wheeze and a deeper, productive cough, and the fever is a bit more, though still not more than a hundred, if my ancient glass analog-thermometer can be believed. (This piece of gear goes back to my days in the medical field, in the bag next to the leeches and bone saw, and I can't remember offhand the color codes -- I think red was rectal and blue was oral. I hope that's the right color designation, 'cause mine is blue and it went under my tongue ...)

If I were hazarding a diagnosis, I'd say I've have acute bronchitis, secondary to sinusitis.

Mostly the different between bronchitis and pneumonia is the causative organism, and the involvement. Mine, if that's what it is, is probably viral, since that's the case 90% of the time.

Of course it could anything from a cold to Pneumonic Plague ...

Not too awful, but I have felt better.

If it is viral, antibiotics won't do any good, and if it is bacterial, I'd probably feel sicker, plus -- close your eyes if too much medical information makes you queasy -- the phlegm I'm hacking up would probably be green or tinged with blood ...


So. Rest, gallons of water, ginger tea, vitamin C, ibuprifen, Robitussin, and better in a couple days, if I'm lucky.

When I get to be in charge, this sickness business is going away.


  1. well, feel better soon. We missed you in class last night.

  2. Get better, Old Man.

    And don't lick any public telephones.

  3. Thanks, folks. I'll try not to croak, if I can help it.

    I've found that a toddy of Southern Comfort, lemon juice, and honey is helpful. Doesn't cure anything, but it does take the edge off ...

  4. And, if you do it right -- even if the toddy doesn't cure you, you don't care that you're sick anymore!

    Get better... you got books to write!

  5. Hot toddy is just the trick. I've been down with pneumonia the past week. Has not been fun, so I sympathize with you.
