Monday, February 01, 2010

The Value of Fame and Riches

You know, you can be rich and famous and still have a crappy life.

Witness long time character actor Rip Torn. Man is 78, has been around in movies forever -- opposite Steve McQueen and Karl Malden in The Cincinnati Kid. The Man Who Fell to Earth. Cross Creek. (Was supposed to do the part of the lawyer in Easy Rider, but got into an argument with Hopper, and the role went to Jack Nicholson. The story goes, Hopper pulled a knife on him, and Torn decided he didn't want to work for him. Imagine that.)

There he was as Zed in Men in Black; as Larry's producer in The Larry Sanders Show, one the funniest things to ever air, for which he won an Emmy™. In one of the Robocops. in By Dawn's Early Light.

Day before yesterday, Torn was busted. Seems he broke into a closed Litchfield Bancorp branch office in Salisbury, Connecticut, so drunk he thought he was at home. Took off his hat and boots to get comfortable, and was arrested shortly thereafter.

He was also armed -- had a handgun tucked away ...

Torn was charged with: Carrying a firearm without a permit; carrying a firearm while intoxicate;, first-degree burglary, first-degree criminal trespassing, and third-degree criminal mischief.

Some people ought not to drink ...


  1. Who said you couldn't be rich and famous and not have a crappy life?! Me, I'm jolly and happy, but could do with being rich (you can keep the fame).

  2. Bill Murray said once that people who wanted to be rich and famous should try just being rich first, and see if that did it for them.

    This doesn't stop you from getting drunk and busting into the bank with a loaded gun at 78, but nobody has to hear about it ....
