Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Uneasy Lies the Head ...

Another visit to the dentist, and yet another poorly-fitted crown that had to be removed. That's three in the last couple of years. Second installed by the same guy, gone since to his reward.

This one had a gap that had been allowing bacteria to do things to the remains of the tooth under it; was irritating the gums, and there was deadening, drilling, and paring away of tissue ...

I try to stay relaxed as possible whilst in the not-quite-my-size chair, but I usually wind up with a sore neck. I go back in a few weeks for the new crown.

And so, as Vonnegut liked to say, it goes ...


  1. Feed Me Seymour! Nice, seeing as how i grow them.

  2. And Steve Martin's turn as the mad dentist was also fun ...

  3. If your dentist had a Sir in front of his name then be sure to check the new one - sometimes the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - actually it doesn't most the time -the apples that is.

  4. I want one of those chairs for my office....

  5. There's some amazing dental technology for fillings and crowns these days. Some time back, my dentist replaced some of my metal fillings with ceramic ones. they started by taking a 3-D image of my teeth. Then they ground out the metal fillings and took another 3-D image of what remained. Subtract one from the other, and they had a 3-D image of what was missing. They fed that to a little desktop milling machine that cranked out a perfect (well, nearly) set of inserts for the holes in my teeth. A little dental cement later, I had new fillings the color of my teeth. Neat stuff.

  6. Oh, I meant to say that they do the same thing with crowns in that office. If you need a new dentist, Steve, send me e-mail and I'll give you the info.
