Sunday, February 07, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Rather than rehash last year's Super Bowl posting and the explanation why we watch this annually, you can read that by clicking here.

This year, we have to root for New Orleans. First, because we are from Louisiana and this is the first time the Saints have ever gotten this far. Second, because they are the underdogs.

The buzz on the commercials is that they aren't particularly sexy -- even in the way -- but on a by-the-second-cost, they are the most expensive things on the air, so it will be interesting to see how major companies blow a couple million bucks to get our attention.

Go, Saints ...


  1. I don't watch the Super Bowl. But this year I have to. My mother in law is visiting and I have to sit and explain the game to both wife and MIL.

    At least I convinced them to root for The Saints.

    Roger's voice has seen better days tho'

  2. Watched the Puppy Bowl but rooted for the Saints!

  3. OK, I've gotten some good captchas, but this one is the best. It says "alien".

    Anyway, Saints fans should be happy (if a tad hung-over) this morning...
