Sunday, February 28, 2010

Got a Match?

Got 420.000 matches and some itty-bitty wooden blocks? Three years of spare time? Go make a model of Minas Tirith, Tolkien's City of Kings.

Or bigger yet -- 602,000 matches -- Hogwarts ...

Another wood sculpture by Patrick Acton -- check him out.

I got your Leggos right here ...


  1. When I was in Germany back in '88, I ran across an optical (eye glasses) shop that had a couple of huge (around a meter long each) matchstick replicas of cruise ships similar to the Titanic. I snapped a picture of them, which I'd happily share with you if it wasn't in analog form in some box in my basement somewhere. Ah, well, the advancement of technology... :)

  2. Would make great termite farms - for a while.
