Monday, February 01, 2010

Gator Got Yore Grammy ...

Stephen Colbert and the iPad

Mary J & Andrea

Pink (Very Nearly)

Drake, Eminem, Lil Wayne

Taylor Swift

Watched the Grammy Awards™ last night. I don't, usually, but it came on, there weren't any good cooking shows airing, so I let it run.

As usual, the ceremony gets cloying pretty quick -- if you don't accept your award in a hurry, you get played off; the production numbers are hit and miss, and they were stepping on the applause after each one to hurry things along.

Beyonce was the big winner, with half a dozen, no surprise there.

The Michael Jackson tribute left me unmoved, 3D and all. Lady Gaga? Um ... no.

There were a few interesting moments I enjoyed, though:

Stephen Colbert, fishing in his jacket for the envelope to award Song of the Year, couldn't find it, but came out with a working iPad. Never let it be said Steve Jobs doesn't know how to do product placement.

Mary J. Blige and Andrea Bocelli's rendition of "Bridge Over Troubled Water," for Haitian relief, blew the doors off the building. If I had been a singer in the audience, it would have made me want to go home and shoot my voice.

Pink, doing her aerial Glitter number, was almost naked. How you can sing upside down and spinning like a top? Impressed me.

Eminem, Lil Wayne, Drake, and Travis Barker ... I'm not a big rap fan, but they rocked the house. (Jamie Foxx, T-Pain, Doug E. Fresh and Slash weren't bad, either.)

And finally, Taylor Swift's acceptance for Record of the Year. She was so cute and so thrilled and so much fun to watch.


  1. The Friday before last my daughter brought home the gift of a stomach virus from day-care. By Sunday night, both my wife and I had it, too.

    I spent most of Monday on the upstairs couch, most times too weak to get up.

    The Fuse channel has some sort of programming thing where they play a single artist's videos over and over; all day.

    Monday was Lady Gaga's day. The remote was halfway across the room and I was too weak to get up.

    Puh-puh-puh poker face.
