Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sitting is Deadly

Here's a cheerful thought: Sitting too much -- even if you exercise -- is apt to kill you sooner than if you don't spend as much time with arse in chair.

Maybe this is why symphony conductors outlast writers ...


  1. We have several people in my office who have covertly altered their cubes to allow them to stand while typing.

    I write 'covertly' because we're not allowed to alter anything in our cube. Doing so would void the warranty.

  2. I'll take it over manual, repetitive labor. My surgeries can be directly related to that career.
    Now, get me a job where I don't put any strain on my body at all......hmmm politic? Don't even need the brain.

  3. Lets see Mark Twain wrote while lying in bed. It has me looking into getting a standing desk that I can put my laptop on.

  4. Sitting can kill you. We refer to guys from patrol who go inside as getting "Detective Spread". Their ass has to evolve to conform to the seat. This is entirely different from "Cruiser Spread" which is contracted from Dunkin' Donuts and 0300 Denny's Grand Slams.
