Thursday, December 03, 2009

The More Things Change

Had to go to the dentist again this morning for a new crown -- second round, since the dentist didn't like the way the first one looked. Perfect fit this time, and one more reason for the metal detector to ping at the airport ...

On the way, since the appointment was early, I saw the neighborhood children gathered at the bus stops for transport to school. Thirty-five degrees F. or so the temperature, and most of the teens I passed were dressed as if for a warm summer's day. Jeans, T-shirt, shorts in one case.

What is it with teenagers that they think it is uncool to put on a jacket when the weather dictates that such a decision is reasonable? Fernando's Dictum, ala Billy Crystal: It is better to look good than to feel good ...

I remember my mother telling me to put on a jacket when I was fifteen. I recall saying the same to my children, and more: Excuse me? You are planning to wear your pajamas to school? That would be over my dead body. Go put some outside clothes on!

And the beat goes on ...


  1. As I recall when I was a teen I just didn't get cold; metabolism just revved higher.

  2. Poor Girls...
    Let's Get them out of those cold damp clothes...

  3. In my house, my wife is cold if it's below 78. So, she thinks everyone else is cold. SHe can't make me wear a sweater, but my poor daughter.....

  4. My teen son wears a hooded sweatshirt all winter or a fleece running jacket, that's it. He said he just doesn't get cold. I figure it must be that metabolism.
