Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Christmas to the Matador Fans

(Redacted - you snooze, you lose ...)


  1. Bastard.


    Reads as if you already have the story written and are just torturing us with it. Goes without saying, I'll be buying my copy as soon as fricking possible (should say my 2 copies, one for reading and one for when the first one is no longer held together by anything other than prayer and spit).

  2. Nah, what you see is what I got, as of thirty minutes ago.

  3. Merry Christmas to you too. Nice gift, thanks.

  4. Thank you, Steve. I'm a huge fan of your work.Most of my guys are, too.
    May the Matadors and siblings of the shroud and company always live on!!


  5. Reads good...

    but I'm with Brad; you're teasing us!

    If you don't have it on paper -- you've got a fair chunk nearly written in your head. Even if you don't think so!

    So hurry the eff up and finish it!

    (And have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year while you're at it!)

  6. Hey Steve,

    Thanks for the gift! Much appreciated!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.


  7. "Dear Steve; You never gave us anything.

    Love always,

    The Matador Fans"

  8. Well, that was a good read. I don't mind if you take your time as long as the book is thick.

  9. Thanks. I've been up since 0200 watching my 8 year old puke. This gave me something to do. Oddly, I just started re-reading the Matador cycle.

  10. Gee...I didn't get you ANYTHING! I thought we weren't exchanging gifts this year, BUT if you publish it, I'll buy four! Deal?

  11. Fantastic Xmas present.
    I hope this is just the beginging, my Matador books are getting worn out.

  12. I'm at work and supposed to be working, but that was worth taking the time for. I won't whine for more, but whenever you get around to it, you know ... Barkis is willing ....

  13. By the way Steve, a Very Happy Christmas to you and yours!

    And a bit more humbly, thank you for the early Christmas gift.

  14. Did you post some of this earlier? I think I remember reading a little of the first chapter and thinking it a little rough, but **Damn** that cleaned up nice. Slick as hell. I finished Paramour and if your tight ass-ed publisher doesn't drop cash on you for this one soon, please offer it here. I'll go the $20 a hardback costs, screw the middlemen. Thanks and Merry.

  15. Hi there Steve,

    I just read the 'teaser chapters', looks fantastic.

    The "Paramour" book that Dave Huss refers to, where does one purchase it from?

    Merry Christmas from New Zealand.

  16. "Master of Pamor" is a .pdf file at the top of Steve's page with a "Buy it" button for $5 U.S. Well worth the bucks.

    P.S. Been pimping ya Steve, keep up the good work.

  17. Cheers dave. :-)

    I'll grab it soon.

  18. Thank you M. Perry

    I asked my mum and dad for a spetsdod for Christmas this year and I was told I would put my eye out, so your story was the best gift I got....

  19. Thanks for the read. I eagerly await the finished product. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  20. Awesome! Can't wait til it's published! Looking forward to buying at the bookstore, Steve. :) Thanks for sharing.


  21. *jumping up and down, squealing like a schoolgirl*

    Good to see "The Contender" kicking off another of my favorite series. Thankyewverymuch!

  22. Thank you, sir.

    Loved it. Can't wait to buy it.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  23. Thank you, Steve!

    ALWAYS a pleasure to wander a bit in the Matador Cosmos! So, now the hard part...Waiting for you published work!

    Happy New Year to you and yours. May the good that you have done be repaid manifold!

  24. Woo-hoo! Now I don't have to rely on my swiss-cheese memory.

    Looking forward to buying my copy, sir.

  25. Darn it, i was waiting till after all the holiday buzz settled down so I could savor it slowly!!!!!!
