Saturday, November 07, 2009

Return of the Brass Bra

I dunno who dug this one up, but it was too good not to pass along: Behind-the-scenes shot of Carrie Fisher and her stunt double catching a few rays on the set of Return of the Jedi.

You know this is gonna fuel a few fanboy fantasies ...


  1. I always thought the scene with her on the sand barge, shooting the SW equivalent of a 50-Cal., was EVERY testosterone driven, Jedi-knight wanna-be's wet dream!!

  2. This went by on Digg yesterday. Oh, how the fanboys squealed. See for yourself:

  3. Damn it.....printer... out.... of... ink.....

    If this is a Jedi mind trick - I don't want it to be right.

    You can sure see the Debbie Reynolds gene thing going on.

  4. I didn't see "Singin' in the Rain" when it came out in 1952, didn't catch that until much later; I did, however, see "Tammy and the Bachelor in 1957, wherein the 25 year-old Debbie Reynolds stirred up some pre-pub lust in me.

  5. I saw a rerun of How The West Was Won and as I remember the Princes's mother played a teenage girl thru and including a grandmother part and did a good job on all of it as I recall.

  6. I would do things to those two that would horrify Jabba the Hutt.
