Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Quiet Night in the Recliner ...

Peaceable Kingdom: L. to R. -- Layla, Dianne, Ballou ...

Back from the optometrist, eyes dilated, and things closer or farther away than the fixed focus are fuzzy, he said alliteratively. Been a couple years since I got new specs and I'm due. Between eyes, teeth, and oh, yeah, ears, I'm rapidly becoming the six million dollar Steve. I'm thinking about having a laser built into my right middle finger to emphasize my point to bad drivers ...

Later, alligator.


  1. Or how about a Spetsdöd built into your index finger.

  2. My training partner is headed to the DDS right now for a cracked tooth. How?
    One of the trainer knives I made him cracked him good in the jaw last night (wasn't me).
