Monday, November 30, 2009

For the Record

I think the assassination and murder of four police officers in Washington state was despicable and vile, and I hope the guy who did it get what he deserves -- though I don't see how he can even if he dies. (Editor's Note: And he has. Died. Shot by an officer in Seattle.)

Thugs like this "alleged" shooter, who has a long record of violence, including most recently child-rape, who shouldn't have been on the street, should ride the lightning or the needle.

Like a lot of civilians, I am quick to point out when I see LEOs stepping over the line -- but in no way does excessive zeal during an arrest that results in no permanent damage to the suspect equate to cold-blooded murder. People sometimes forget that the uniform not only brings power, but also comes with a target on it.

Just as it was for the soldiers cut down at Hood, this is a tragedy. I feel for their families.

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