Sunday, November 29, 2009

Civilized Men

If you think the human species is anywhere near to being civilized, all you need do is read a story like this.

We ain't even close.


  1. I think we are, as a species, usually still a bunch of tribes that just have fancier toys and weapons. Shoot...even organized sports is just tribal warfare done "nice". If we look at how we relate to other nations/corporations/those that are 'different' from us...

  2. Frankly I find this less of a condemnation of our society than that pack of 14 wild dogs masquerading as high school students who gang-raped their classmate in California a few weeks back.

  3. Shoot...even organized sports is just tribal warfare done "nice".

    While this is true, I think this is a significant difference. I don't really want to see Boston razed to the ground, and the ground salted, and sobbing Bostonians forced to flee their homes and hold hatred in their heart for all Lakers fans for ten generations ....

    Though it's a nice image.

  4. You mean they aren't genetically engineered sex toys?

    I seem to have been mislead...

