Thursday, November 19, 2009


Forty-three years she's been putting up with me. The woman is a saint ...


  1. Congratulations to you both. I don't know many people who've managed that, certainly not in creative fields. I've got a good marriage, but it took me three tries.

    A little wierd/creepy, off the subject of your anniversary ... I've got Google Desktop running a couple days now, and it pops up stories at me. It popped up this post ... which means Google is watching where I go and what I read, and making recommendations based on that ...

  2. Big Brother is always watching. Not us, just you, Dan ...

  3. Happy Anniversary Steve, here's to many many more.

    Just keep dedicating the books to her, she'll stick around :)

  4. Happy Anniversary to both you and a long-suffering woman who is FAR too good for you.

    I should know.

    Got one of those m'self.

    Total score, on my part.

  5. Wait a sec, forty three YEARS???

    You guys were married three years before I was BORN?

    Steve...Call me "Kid" all you want. I'm okay with it now...

  6. Congratulations, Steve. May you both have many more years together. I just lost my wife of 41 years and she was the most incredible woman I have ever known. They don't make many like her. Cherish what you have.

  7. Congratulations! Fantastic achievement!

    (And Bobbe -- he's been married longer than I've been alive, too!)

  8. Congrats, Steve. Many, many more.

    And Gilder, I'm so sorry.

  9. Congratulations! Reena and I just sillybrated 22. It's great to know that there are (other) people out there determined to and capable of making it work. Of course, choosing wisely is a key factor. Way to go, both of you.

  10. Happy Anniversary you two. So wonderful!

    Geez, thanks for setting the bar so damn high...
