Sunday, October 18, 2009

Well, Here's Another Surprise ...

So, on Friday -- just after it happened, I posted this on a group I sometimes drop by:

"Beaverton, OR - Friday, October 16 2009 10:58:8

Cynical Turn of Mind

Okay, listen, Falcon -- you hide in the attic until Daddy comes to get you. Be real quiet, it's for the show, right? And later, when the nice lady on the teevee asks you about it, don't say "show," and for God's sake, don't throw up, okay ... ?

No, no, the Curly-Headed Stranger did it ...

I feel bad about having such cynical thoughts, but as soon as they caught up with the downed balloon and there was no kid in it? It started to smell like three-day-old fish even through the digital screen.

What an age. If they'd found the boy alive and well in the balloon, it would have been wonderful. If they'd found him dead from a high fall, tragic. That he was in the attic says something else entirely. I worry that it is the ghost of P.T. Barnum fucking with us ..."

I can't say I'm happy to have been right about it ...

1 comment:

  1. My first thought, when the kid wasn't in the balloon, was that he might have fallen out and died. My second thought was that it was all an elaborate hoax to cover the fact that his parents had killed him. I'm disappointed that Falcon's parents are media whores, but I'm really, really glad he's not dead.
