Thursday, October 01, 2009

Um ...

So I was over on Wim's page -- link in the list to the right -- and saw this image over a sponsored ad. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but ... does this picture seem, oh, I dunno, kind of gay? Effete, even?

Just an observation, is all ...


  1. Yeah.

    They're all like,

    Guy#1: "Hyeuh, yeah bro! Let's flash our (MMA) abs for the internet and, go hop in the tub together!"

    Guy#2: "Oh, chah bra! But hey it's cool, it's not like we're gay or anything..."

    Guy#3: (Nervously laughs) Uh, yeah. Exactly.
    I really like you guys."

    But hey, looks like a great ab-system, no?
    Great homo-erotic fun.

  2. Holy Crap! Thank you Google ads for putting that on my page! *Shudder*

    It reminds me of those motivational posters with douche bags popping their collars.

  3. First Metrosexuals. Then Bromance. My daughter now informs me that there's a name for those male bikini briefs - they're called "Manties". Excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  4. Hrm, we see both of the hands of the guy on the left. But the guy on the right....

  5. *shrug* This is nothing. After living in San Francisco for awhile you get used to the chocolate chip cookie shop....where you can also buy briefs...

  6. At my most recent dance performance the choreographer handed me a razor and told me to shave my pits. The piece was three guys being, well, strong and masculine. I ignored him, looked at his girlfriend and asked, "Can't you simply let him indulge this fetish in private, at home, and spare the rest of us?" She laughed, and he looked uncomfortable. I suggest you sip a cuppa at Borders and "read" Details magazine for men. You'll begin to understand where it's coming from..

  7. Forget the abs.
    I'll take a 6-pack of Coors light please.
