Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hum It With Me Now -- The Theme from Indiana Jones ...

Dah, dah, dot, dah, dah-dah-dah -- dah, dah, dot daaah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah ...

So, in a couple weeks (26 September 2009) Indie and the dead folk officially hits the racks. Already starting to climb the sales list at Amazon -- in the top 22,000. Can fame and fortune be far behind? (Well, yes, they can, alas ...)

I hope Harrison Ford reads my dedication -- and my apology for the first line in the novel ...


  1. This is great news, Steve. I will look forward to picking up a copy, and reviewing it. I hate to disappoint you with my old-fashioned preferences, but I intend to pick up a copy of Master of Pamor -- in what you call "treeware," ha ha.

  2. Wow, can't wait! Pre-ordered mine from Amazon.

    By the there a "Navy of the Dead?"

    Just wondering.

  3. Navy? Sure.

    I'm thinking of doing Indiana Jones and the Coast Guard of the Dead. Or maybe Indiana Jones and the Undead Girl Scouts ...

  4. Sure, but it's not very large. All their ships operate with skeleton crews.

    * ducking *

  5. First sentence?
    Anything like, "Death came for him wearing a fedora"?

  6. Indie rides again?!

    I'll order my copy ASAP! :)

  7. I was wondering that...What was the first line?

    "Call me Ishmael!"

    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

    "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins"

    "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen"

    ""With the coming of the Second World War, many eyes in imprisoned Europe turned hopefully or desperately toward the freedom of the Americas."

    "I owe everything to George Bailey. Help him, Dear Father."

    Can anyone name these WITHOUT using the web? I practically gave a couple away.

  8. Got 'em all except the ones with clocks striking thirteen. I had to google that.

  9. I thought a clock that had "13" on it would be a dead giveaway.

    Come over to Seattle, the Chimay's on me.

  10. ""With the coming of the Second World War, many eyes in imprisoned Europe turned hopefully or desperately toward the freedom of the Americas."

    Missed this one, I am embarrassed to say. I was thinking "books," and as many times as I have seen it, I never really paid attention to the opening V.O. in Casablanca.

  11. Well, I can't hold it against you. Figure someone who was around to do the editorial work on "In the beginning..." can't be expected to remember EVERYTHING.

  12. I've been ridiculously excited about this book ever since you announced it, way back when.

    And according to the Infernalnet, it hits shelves the day before my birthday. Which I'm sure ya'll had in mind from the first draft.

    Thanks for the perfect birthday gift!

    (And yes, the theme is now stuck in my head...)
