Sunday, August 23, 2009

In The Woogle-Woogle Sea: A Book for Children

Years ago, when my first grandson was a toddler, I wrote and illustrated a short book for him. I always wanted to do something with it, but it was a long way from my usual markets and I tucked the thing away in a drawer.

Now, thanks to the miracle of scanners, PDFs, and PayPal, I can do something with it.

And have.

My artistic abilities are small -- see the sample pages -- but it was a lot of fun to write and draw. Five bucks. Less than lunch at Mickey D's. Click on the PayPal button and behold the adventures of Zach the Shrimp, and Harold the Fish as Big as a Whale, In the Woogle-Woogle Sea ...

Note: The file for this book is big -- 23 megabytes -- and Comcast apparently chokes on anything bigger than 15 megs, so I'm having to send it via one of those transfer-big-files sites. Seems to work fine, though it adds one more step to the process. I send it thus, they send an email to the recipient, and s/he downloads it from there. Another speed bump in the information highway.