Sunday, August 16, 2009


So, I have a Twitter account, I may have mentioned, but I don't, ah, tweet. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and after a cursory inspection, decided I had better ways to spend my time than listening to people talk about breakfast -- or telling them about mine.
(Coffee, black.)

But having a name and account gets you some interesting traffic. I just got one from somebody who wants to "follow" me. This consists of a query: "Gosh ... where have all the guys with brains gone?" along with a message URL, and a little picture of what appears to be a shapely young woman's butt clad in scanties, and -- are those handcuffs holding her hands behind her back ... ?

Oh, my.

Oh, yeah, that's right, I forgot. The real reason the internet was created was not to save us from nuclear armageddon, but as a better way to deliver pornography ...

Gotta love how the world's oldest profession adapts to the technology of the day.


  1. For what it's worth, the porn is actually a cover for the /true/ purpose of the internet. Spam.

    Watch that account and its posts and sooner or later it will be posting malicious URLs designed to attack and exploit a human or computer (to send spam or steal bank accounts), or it will begin sending out spammy urls directly.
