Thursday, August 20, 2009

Silat Video

The gurus, L. to R.: Cliff, Jonny, Ari, Stevan, Bud, Louis, Narin, Bob.

A year ago, plus a couple-three days, Maha Guru Plinck had a weekend workshop in Las Vegas. It was pretty much confined to people who had some experience with Silat Sera, though there were worlds of additional experience to go with that. Largely put together by Guru Mike Roberto, it was as good a time as I've ever had at such an event. Nice, air-conditioned ballroom in the casino/hotel, while it was 107 F. outside in the hot Nevada sunshine.

Guy Bowring, of Resonant Video Productions, had a couple of cameras going, and has gotten around to offering the videos that resulted. There are three disks, available only as a set, just over four hours of stuff. Some of the material involves recognition of various gurus and like that, but there are some very interesting demonstrations by the gurus. People who were there will probably want these as keepsakes and memory joggers -- though the embarrassing stuff is left out, far as I can tell, which is too bad.

People who weren't there but who have an interest in Silat Sera as practiced by Maha Guru Plinck and some of his gurus and other teachers might find the material interesting. There's a lot going on at the same time, it gets busy and noisy -- especially when sticks are clashing -- but you can pretty much hear everything that is center stage.

For fifty bucks, plus five dollars shipping, it's a good deal.

Guy's web page is still under construction, but you can query him about orders here:

resonant dot video at gmail dot com

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool, I'll check it out. On the Silat subject, do you know is there anyone connected to ya'll out Spokane (WA) way that might be teaching?
