Monday, August 10, 2009

Kitty Update - Cat Ballou

Dogs have mostly stopped barking at the kitty -- Layla wants to bathe Ballou, and licks furiously when she gets the chance. Cat just purrs unless it gets too much, then runs away.
Then everybody chases everybody ...

Got a scratching post, better grade of kitty-litter, and off to the vet later this week to see what's what -- and maybe we can find out which pronoun to start using for kitty ...

While we were gone this weekend doing the silat seminar, our alarm system apparently went haywire. Apparently things weren't quite back to normal after the electrician's visit. Neighbors heard the horn blaring, cops came out, we had a raft of calls from the alarm monitoring service on our landline message machine and cell phone message center. None of which we knew about, because where we were, there was no cell phone reception, nor wi fi, so we only found out when we got home and the neighbors came over to report. Nice to know it works, and that the neighbors are watching out for us.

Gonna cost us, though. The first false-alarm is free; after that, you pay a fine ...

Must have been traumatic for the kitty, all those goings-on.

We will be having this addressed today by our electrician.

Never, I say, a dull moment. Never.


  1. I had a cat that looked just like that named "Musashi". Smartest cat I ever owned. Unfortunately, he was unable to accurately judge maai involving a car going 60 mph. You'd think, with a name like that, he'd have done better.

  2. You may be able to recover the costs from your electrician if his/her install was responsible for the false alarms.
