Friday, July 24, 2009


Supposed to get hot this weekend, shading into 100+ by Monday, so I started early today while it was still cool and did some yard work out back. Moved a bunch of whiskey-barrel plants and some landscaping brick; laid flagstones, shoveled dirt and gravel, like that. Amazing how four hours or so of such activity can lay waste to your hands -- in leather work gloves -- and your ambition to do anything else physical.

But, it looks better. A dent in the ongoing war against the garden ...


  1. Grease your hands with soap; put some inside the glove fingers.

    Um, not that I ever remember.

  2. Wow. Looks really good! See you guys soon!

  3. 100+ degree temperatures? I didn't realize it got that hot in the Northwest.

  4. Nice. Very Japanese feel to it. I've got a dime sized hole in my hand from building a deck this week. Apparently, I'm not bright enough to stop in time.
