Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Writer Porn

Well, not really ...

But it is the fund raiser calendar designed to get money for the Oregon Writers Colony's house on the coast, to make it handicapped-accessible -- ramps and rails and like that. So a dozen local writers were asked if they would mind showing a little skin for a good cause. (Well, actually, more than a dozen were asked, but not all of them went for the idea.)

I did. And if you buy the thing and flip through it, you will see me as Mr. October, lightsaber aglow, facing off against a fire-breathing alien monster ...

It's all rated PG-13, and while we aren't the um, best examples of the Fitness Models of America, we were game, and it is for a good cause.

You should put down what you are doing and immediately go here and buy a copy. Buy several. If it sells well, maybe next time we can get Ursula le Guin and Jean Auel and Phil Margolin to pose ...

(Note: They are still tweaking the site, but it's $19.95, plus five bucks shipping and handling. At the moment, you can't see that until you get to PayPal, but supposedly it'll be fixed soon.)


  1. They really would sell more of them if they posted the PRICE somewhere.

    It's $24.95 including S&H, but you can't find that out until you actually get PAST the order form to the 'billing info' form.

  2. I'm not sure I want to see you with your lightsaber aglow. Trying not to visualize now, for God's sake.

  3. I put that line in for Bobbe, who has conniptions every time I put up any image of me wearing less clothing than a Mennonite ...
