Saturday, July 25, 2009

She Don't Lie, She Don't Lie, She Don't Lie ...

Article in today's paper. Researchers at a trio of U's ran tests on waste water in Oregon. 96 sewage plants, looking for traces of certain drugs.

40% of those tested showed residue of Ecstacy.

80% showed cocaine.

All of them showed traces of methamphetamine.

My, my.

1 comment:

  1. I got to see EC a couple weeks back at the United Center here in Chicago. Steve Winwood was playing with him (and had a stellar performance.)

    Amazing always to compare his younger performance with his more recent. Quite different in some good and some bad ways.

    Here's the review of the show. Note that the highlight of the evening was definitely Buddy Guy's performance, followed closely by Winwood's solo of Georgia on organ.
