Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Don't Care If It Is Dry, It Is


105 degrees F. right now outside Steve's house. This ain't Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico. Not Death Valley! It is where, when somebody tells you to stick it where the sun don't shine, you might rightly ask them, "What, you want me to go to Oregon?" We don't tan, we rust.

Somebody call somebody!


  1. I expect you know this, but maybe not given how unusual this is for where you are -- keep yourself irrigated. Drink when you think you're not thirsty. Fill up a jug with the amount of water you're supposed to drink in a day and make sure you work your way through it.

    It took Amy (from Florida and New York) most of ten years of Los Angeles summers before she finally realized she wasn't going to sweat in the dry heat, but she was losing water anyway. She'd get migraines and throw up from lack of fluids.

  2. here in Corn Cunt-ree, we are having a cool summer and in fact if we don't hit 90 before friday (which we are likely to not), then this will be the coolest July since 1893.
    crazy weather!

  3. Aw hell, it's been that hot here in Texas for the last 2 weeks.

    I second what Dan said. Drink, especially when you're not thirsty.

  4. Oh, yeah, pump the fluids in. I grew up in Louisiana, where it would be 98 degrees and 98% humidity. I know from deal with the heat.

  5. I felt the onshore flow staring up last night; expect today to be cooler (tho it may feel hotter as the humidity's kicked up significantly). Watch for thunderstorms in the PM.

  6. Onshore flow? Weather guys are calling for it to be hotter today than yesterday, with a good chance of it reaching the all-time high temperature ever.

    Not that I wouldn't mind a thunderstorm to go with the drama, but there isn't a cloud in the sky at my house.

  7. Gotta love dueling weather predictions. Comcast's forecast for Beaverton today says high of 96. Paper says 107, and the computer's Dashboard says 108.

    It's already 100, which makes it the hottest three-day run in a long time, and if today is like yesterday and the day before, the hottest part of the afternoon is still three or four hours away.

    Dogs and I made it a couple blocks on the afternoon poop-walk, and that with me pouring water on them -- sidewalks are hot to the touch, and the sun is hard no a mostly-black fur coat.

    The humidity's only about 25% here now. At least the sweat evaporates. Back home, with both the temperature and humidity pushing three digits? You hustle from the AC in the house to the AC in your car to the AC in the office/restaurant /wherever else you might go. Great for URI's, and a place where the inside of your car will fog up when it's 95 in the shade.

    I am really looking forward to silat class. I'll be bring my drinking (and soaking) water in a barrel, and I don't expect I'll make the drive with the top down ...

  8. OK, I definitely called that one wrong: my widget says it's 105 in my zip code. My body temp's finally up into optimal range. Now all I have to do is shed my skin and I'll be a happy lizard.

  9. 105 officially again today, but the local weatherbug guy, whose home station is about a mile from here, had it at 106.

    Supposed to be cooler tomorrow, only 102.
