Friday, June 12, 2009

Killer Condiment

Here's a news item, speaking to what I'd call eye-for-a-toenail justice -- and poor choice of weapons:

"KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Kansas City man has been sentenced to 33 years in prison for killing a man during a melee that erupted when someone threw a bottle of hot sauce.

The Kansas City Star reports that 29-year-old Jarvis T. Williams was sentenced Thursday for his convictions on second-degree murder, three counts of assault and four counts of armed criminal action.

Prosecutors claim he fired more than 20 rounds from an assault rifle into a car in October 2005, killing 22-year-old Gary Scott and wounding three others.

Prosecutors said the victim had thrown a bottle of hot sauce at a woman's car, angering Williams.

They had requested a life sentence. Williams' public defender did not immediately return a call seeking comment."

Rule of Thumb: A bottle of hot sauce is, generally speaking, probably not as good a weapon as an AK-47 ...



    This is what he should have been packing.

  2. I wouldn't even want a bottle of this unopened in my house.

  3. I used to keep Dave's Insanity Salsa on hand to spice up the Pace or whatever, but I had to get rid of it when I had kids. It's only slightly less toxic than battery acid until diluted -- and it's maybe a third as hot as the mad dog 357.
