Sunday, April 19, 2009


My dear wife, who has for forty or so years had a hit-or-miss yoga practice, buckled down last year and began training to become a teacher. She found a local school and started classes, twice a week, sometimes thrice, plus an intensive week-long session at the school's HQ, in NoCal at the end, and then a test.

She passed that yesterday. Got her certificate this morning, and flew home this afternoon. All she has to do now is register with the national organization that does such things, and she is good to go.

Whether she ever does it to make money or not doesn't matter. It was the focus of doing it that was important.

I couldn't be any prouder of her. Smarter than I am, and if I don't watch it, fitter, too.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Dianne.

    Not that being married to Steve isn't accomplishment enough to merit sainthood.
