Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Your Day Isn't So Bad ...

Check out this link: Komodo Dragons.


  1. Komodo Dragons EAT MEAT. They are fucking DINOSAURS. They are not cuddly little reptiles that are human-friendly, like the Galapagos Turtles.

    They are midget T-Rex's. They are dwarf Velociraptors. Why they're not extinct is beyond me.

    They're fast as hell and can indeed run down a human. They're very intelligent, and love the taste of humans with curry sauce.

    There a a few here in the Seattle zoo, and I always secretly wonder if they don't act as sort of "Mob disposal services" on the side.

  2. I think the lesson here is: Don't get a job as a fruit picker on Monster Island ...

  3. Unless they're the frickin' Golden Apples of the Sun don't go picking them in the dragon's forest. What part of that don't people understand?

  4. Check out this pleasantness:

    I've often wondered how much the tender mercies of Komodo dragons, over the millennia, have influenced the development of martial arts from that region. What pleasant bedtime stories they must have made on those sweltering, mosquito-thrumming nights...
