Sunday, March 08, 2009


So, my daughter-in-law has taken the baby and gone to visit her folks in England. My wife arranged for us to meet my son and the two older boys yesterday for lunch at a noodle place close to Powell's Books in Beaverton.

My wife had a yoga class yesterday morning, so I drove over to meet them. We sat down, perused the menus, and suddenly I became aware that there was a phalanx of Imperial Stormtroopers standing next to the table.

Well. My people, so I stood and smiled and shook hands. Must be something going on at the book store they didn't tell me about, I figured. Then I saw Peter the science fiction guy from Powell's standing there; and my son, who had been showing off his new (old) camera he had gotten from eBay, and my wife were grinning at me ...

Uh oh ... an ambush ...

Well, as it turned out, I have been made an honorary member of the 501st Legion -- the Cloud City Garrison, which included a laser-cut plaque, a rank badge -- I'm a Commander, just above Captain -- a shoulder patch, pin, and even a temporary tattoo ...

Pictures were taken, we all sat down to eat -- after those in armor went and changed -- you'll notice you never see stormtroopers sitting down for lunch -- and a fine time was had by all.

Leastways, I had a fine time.

My wife, son, and grandsons were inordinately pleased with themselves that they had put one over on me by luring me to the secret ceremony. Have to wonder what the other patrons of the place thought when they looked up to see uniformed and armored stormtroopers filing into the restaurant ...

I'll post some more pictures when my son passes them along.


  1. Congratulations! My husband and I admire the 501st a great deal. Very interesting group of people (for Imperials).

  2. That is awesome! Looking forward to the pictures.

  3. Congrats. Bet you had no trouble getting a table for that party!

  4. Wow, now you can sneer at someone and say, "Rebel scum," and get away with it.

    Well, at Sci-Fi conventions anyway...

  5. Yeah, but I think you're kinda tall for a stormtrooper. (And you probably shoot too good...)

  6. Welcome to the white armor brotherhood. Give all in service to the Empire.
