Monday, March 23, 2009

Quality Steel

I don't remember if I put this up here before, but if I did, I don't see it. It's worth revisiting. You want to be sure to get the right item number for your order -- this is the wall-hanger you want to reach for when the bad guy kicks in your front door ...


  1. I'm sorry but that's one of the funniest martial arts clips I've ever seen. Moral: don't sell garbage and act stupid and you won't get hurt.

  2. That clip is always funny. He wasn't even whacking it that hard! When the other guy comes in, it looks like he's almost about to go into the spiel again. I'm kind of surprised he didn't...

    The sad thing is that blade would probably be just fine for anyone who would order off of the home shopping network. If you expect their crap to be anything other than decorative you have another think coming.

    Bet if that was a real one it would have stuck right in there too...

  3. I like how it takes O'dell about 30 years to see if Beavis is okay, then lets him slink off while he takes over the show.

    Here's what's going through his mind: "Hurry up and bleed to death, you goddam retard, so I can get back to the trailer park and shag your wife before your 7 kids get home from day care!"

  4. Ok I must be going blind but did the blade flex or break?

    Either way that is funny.

    I have to show Da Wife this one. She used to sell swords at Ren Fairs.

  5. A true proffesional...the hell with my partner..the show must go on...but hey he did predict major surgery..not to bad for a fella with the IQ of a dart!

  6. It broke, definitely. Snapped off, popped up, stabbed the guy.
